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ProducT Forum Details
Title Excellent and Effective Exfoliator
Posted by volcaniclungs (ip:)
  • Rate 5points  
  • Date 2016-01-07 16:23:57
  • Recommend 104 Recommend
  • Views 1598

Background: I have very, very oily, acne-prone, and also dry skin (during the winter season). Throughout 2015, my skin got better and only broke out (with 1-3 pimples) during my period. My major problem was the hyperpigmentation that would last months. However, that wasn't the last of it....

Current issue: I recently moved to a tropical country and experienced a terrible and massive breakout of closed comedones all over my face. During this time, I only used cleanser, toner, and sunscreen. I had a similar routine the last time I visited earlier this year during an even hotter season, but I didn't breakout. There was one thing I didn't use then and should have stayed away from. The culprit was ironically the face (surgical) masks I wore to avoid dust from clogging my pores. I would never reuse any, but I realized it was the mask when I started to wear a thicker one (which trapped even more heat close to my face) and faced the worst of the breakout.

Review: Because I began using this AHA when I started wearing the thicker mask, I am unsure if I just experienced a purge or not. Either way, this helped calm my skin down and eliminate many whiteheads. It up my closed comedones and exposed the whiteheads. You can use any proper method to remove them, but I found that waiting patiently for this AHA to remove them works too.

I use it at night after my cleanser, and COSRX AHA/BHA Clarifying treatment toner. I also find it much more effective when you don't put any products on after it (which is why I switched to using my COSRX centella blemish cream to daytime use). My skin is looking better each day, and I can only see it improving from here on out. I'll keep y'all updated when I reach my 2nd to 3rd month mark :)

Photos: I took the first photo 3-4 days after the worst of the breakout came. Was still doing bad... By the last photo (taken a week later), you can see less whiteheads and also less redness!

Attachment PSX_20160107_140154[2].jpg , PSX_20160107_140103[1].jpg , PSX_20160107_140422[1].jpg
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