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Title Lovely essence toner
Posted by raindrop (ip:)
  • Rate 5points  
  • Date 2019-08-05 11:47:12
  • Recommend 11 Recommend
  • Views 420

This toner seemed promising, and the Mugwort/Artemisia trend had me interested since I have sensitive skin that may benefit from this ingredient.

I have been using this toner for the past few months, and I am down to my last ~25% of the bottle. During the time I've been using it, we've had very cold weather and now very humid and hot weather where I live, so I was able to see how my skin reacts to it in the different seasons.

For the cold weather, this essence along with a serum and cream is not enough. I layered this essence about 3-4 times and my skin accepted it well, but any more than that and it starts to feel curiously oily without feeling any more hydrated. This essence isn't particularly hydrating, and my skin still felt like it needed more moisture. It gave my skin a shiny look, almost glass skin-like, but my skin felt like it still needed more moisture despite looking shiny and smooth.

For the present warmer weather, I just use 1-2 layers along with a serum and lightweight cream, and it is enough for my skin.

I have gone through this essence surprisingly quickly for me (I've been using it for around 3.5 months maybe); most toner or essence-like products last longer for me. But, I feel that it is good that I am going through this quickly, as I believe this doesn't really have any preservatives-- there appears to just be one ingredient in this (just the fermented artemisia extract), but I don't know how true that is. Either way, this essence is still good at this point in time, and I expect will be fine until I finish using it.

This essence comes in a frosted glass bottle that is heavy and nice to the touch. The essence itself is watery and has a slightly oily after feel, but nothing off-putting. I love the scent of this, it's not artificial at all but smells like slightly cinnamon-y tea (absolutely gorgeous). I haven't noticed any major calming effects with this essence, but it hasn't irritated my skin either.

Although this is a very nice essence/toner and I really like it, I'm not sure if I will repurchase it just yet, as there are many other toners I would like to try, and I think I will need something heavier for the colder months that will come anyways. However, this will always be a nice option to go back to, and I can recommend this as a very lovely essence ^^

Attachment Missha TR Artemisia_FT.jpg
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